Thursday, March 10, 2011

Back to work

I decided to go back to work when Philip was 8 weeks old, which meant that I started back on Monday. Luckily for me, my boss is great and I'm able to work part time, from home. AND as if that wasn't awesome enough, I get to sort of pick and choose my hours. So basically, I work when I have stuff to do and when I have meetings. This has worked out to be about 4-5 hours a day and is awesome, because I'm still able to take a break when needed, so I can hold Philip or play with Natalie.

One thing I wasn't expecting to happen was that I would have to travel so first trip is three weeks away. I'll be gone for four nights, and my plan is to take my mom and Philip. I don't think I could leave him at his young age for so long and honestly, he probably wouldn't want me to. I'm hoping to book our tickets some time with a baby, haven't done that in a while. Hope it all works out.

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