I said in my last post that I would "update soon" on the graduation and bbq we were heading to Friday night. Well, about two minutes after that post, Phil called to let me know he was indeed heading to Indonesia and he was leaving Saturday morning!
Well, we went to the bbq and I went to the graduation, and they were great and I will update and post photos on those activities once I can figure out how to get the photos off of my camera and on to the computer. Normally I use Phil's computer, which is now in Indonesia.
Today I took the day off and ran errands with Natalie. We had a good lunch with Liz, picked up the photos from Target, stopped to see Grandpa, went in search of a new nursing bra, filled the tank with gas and washed it all before coming home. I'm beat!
Natalie is playing in her activity center right now, giving me a few minutes to post this. She is clearly tired, but sleeping has been a little difficult with daddy away. She knows he is gone, and keeps looking around for him. It is surprising how smart she is.
Every day it gets easier to give her a bath on my own, to play with her on my own and to be a short-time single parent. I love all this one-on-one time with her, but I'm going to be very happy to see Phil when he comes home...whenever that is.
I always count my blessings that I have such a great guy, who loves me and who loves our baby. He is so helpful and willing to play with Natalie and keep her entertained - and I really notice it with him gone.
There is a 14-hour time difference between us, so conversations happen at odd times. He will be traveling to the off-shore location soon, so I'm hoping he will still be able to keep in contact.
Wish me luck on this adventure.
10 years ago
Even though we could never replace Phil, you know you have a whole team of people who are here to help you out. You don't have to do it all on your own. I loved having lunch with you today, and I hope to see you again soon. Hang in there!