Friday, January 23, 2009

Can you have too much of a good thing?

Can one little girl have too many outfits? That is a question I ask when I look in Natalie’s closet. It is overwhelming…and it isn’t just the closet, there is a basket by her crib that holds all her night clothes, a chest of drawers that is full and on top of that a basket of socks and booties.

In addition to clothes, she has a bunch of shoes. And being that I love shoes, I’m sure she will have even more in the coming years. I think we have 13 so far and that doesn’t include all the booties she has.

Yesterday I decided to sort her onesies into like colors and sizes and found six pairs of pants that I forgot she had – SIX! In addition to all the clothes that her Auntie Ashley sent to her, I have spent too much time in the baby department of every store I go to. I can’t help it. The clothes are so cute and so is she, so shop I will.

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